Prior to joining the firm, Ashar worked as associate at Assegaf Hamzah & Partners and tax analyst at Tenaris Indonesia as part of his secondment assigned by PT Ambalan Handal Prakarsa, a consultancy firm affiliated to AHP.
Ashar graduated from the Faculty of Administration majoring is fiscal administration from the University of Indonesia. He held Indonesian Tax Consultants Certification A and B and is currently undertaking the tax consultant’s A license.
In the tax dispute resolution arena, Ashar works on both tax and customs matters spanning the entire range of practice areas as he holds both licenses in the Tax Court.
Ashar has an ample experience in tax-dispute resolution, tax compliance and tax advisory works in the areas of corporate, personal and value added tax. His extensive experience includes assisting clients on the resolution of tax disputes arising from tax audits; objections/reductions or cancellations of penalties and assessments; tax appeals and lawsuits in the Tax Court and subsequent judicial reviews in the Supreme Court; international tax planning; transfer pricing; corporate restructuring; expatriate tax planning; and advising clients on the tax implications of both inbound and outbound investments.