

Wilis Windar Astri


Bachelor’s degree in Fiscal Administration, 2011

Master’s degree in Management, University of Indonesia, 2016

Tax Consultant – B License Certificate

Customs Expert License

Tax Court Lawyer – Tax

Tax Court Lawyer – Customs

Prior to joining MDR Law, she worked at Assegaf Hamzah & Partners as tax associate and at PT Wira Insani as an account executive for 6 months. She now focuses her practice on tax and customs matters.

She graduated from University of Indonesia majoring in Fiscal Administration, followed by a master’s degree in management, majoring in capital market management, from the same university in 2014. She held Indonesian Tax Consultants Certification A and B and is currently holding a Certificate B of Tax Consultant License. She also a Tax Court lawyer who hold tax court lawyer license for tax and customs since 2004. She is a member of the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association and the Indonesian Customs Specialists Association.

Thanks to her involvement in a wide range of tax and customs-related matters, she has gained in-depth experience across all aspects of revenue law. Among the significant projects she has worked on is a tax review covering the period 2002 – 2012 for Citra Borneo Indah (CBI Group), one of the biggest oil-palm plantation companies in Central Kalimantan.

She has also gained valuable experience in in providing professional advice to clients from various industries regarding tax and customs dispute resolution, tax compliance and tax advisory works in the areas of corporate, personal and value added tax for almost 7 years. Her extensive experience includes assisting clients on the resolution of tax disputes arising from tax audits; objections/reductions or cancellations of penalties and assessments; tax appeals and lawsuits in the Tax Court and subsequent judicial reviews in the Supreme Court; international tax planning; transfer pricing; corporate restructuring; expatriate tax planning; and advising clients on the tax implications of both inbound and outbound investments.

Other than that, she also specializes in customs and trade matters including the export and import planning as she holds Customs Expert License.


  • Tax Consultant – B License Certificate
  • Customs Expert License (Ahli Kepabeanan)
  • Tax Court Lawyer – Tax
  • Tax Court Lawyer – Customs

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